Thursday, 10 October 2013

Enhance the Retail Experience with Better Packaging

The first thing that we come across while picking up a product is its packaging. It is a human psychology that we do make a buying decision based on the way products are presented. Retailers are well-aware of the fact that a well-packaged product is likely to startle the potential customers. This is the reason whether its edible products or cosmetics, packaging is being paid special attention. An exquisite packaging definitely provides your brand a competitive edge and plays a significant role in customer retention. Packaging has become vital for branding and marketing these days. 

Since you have to compete with other brands, a spectacular and interactive packaging would help you in drawing more customers towards your merchandise. You can make a product stand out with an inspirational packaging. 

The notion that packaging has to be handy only doesn’t exist anymore, so a part from being functional, give your customers something they’ll like and remember. Cream of the crop companies have made their products best sellers through exclusive packaging designs. The foremost purpose of packaging a product is its fall safe storage, so the materials that you are likely to use in the packaging printing would affect your brands’ image. You can make a worthwhile recognition among the competitors if your product packaging is credible and creative. 
 With the increasing awareness about green packaging, people tend to prefer the brands offering consumer and environment-friendly packaging. You can use this factor to your brands’ advantage by listing it on your packaging that is can be recycled. Dry and packaged food retailers should always list the components of their packaging as people would pick up their food with safer packaging. You can achieve customer loyalty and brand recognition by focusing on the above-mentioned elements of packaging. Boost up the retail experience with appealing packaging!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Role Of Packaging In The Fashion Industry

The flourishing corporate industries consider packaging as an integral part of branding. The fashion industry is making a rapid progression because of the new designers and cosmetic brands springing up. The apparel and cosmetic packaging has indeed affected the fashion industry. Many celebrated cosmetic brands first emerged solely to cater to the requisites of the fashion world. “Mac” is one such eminent cosmetics brand that started off for gratifying the cosmetic needs of the fashion makeup artists. The renowned fashion designers pay a lot of attention to the apparel packaging as clients all over the world want to feel privileged when they are wearing a designer wear; a staggeringly packaged party or wedding wear adds to the regal touch of the outfit.

The top cosmetic brands spend a lofty amount on their packaging; while their target market is the glamorous fashion world a classy cosmetic packaging can draw the attention of the leading makeup artists. This is the reason top brands like LOREAL’ and Dior are laudable for their fascinating packaging. The Hollywood actresses and best fashion models are their proud brand ambassadors. The cosmetic brands used at the fashion shows and events are preferred because of their quality and packaging. The professional make up the cosmetic companies offer is manufactured keeping in view the intensity of lights for a shoot. This cosmetic range is commendable for its superb finishing effect and resistance against sweat, moisture and heat.  Moreover these cosmetics are packaged in a way to protect and transport them expediently.

Apparel packaging serves to protect the delicate fabric and enhances the life of the prêt wear. There are many brands and designers who offer you incredible designs. An astoundingly packaged designer wear looks trendy and attention grabbing. The illustrious fashion designers can make their brand more prominent in the niche with the aid of fantastic apparel packaging. Many fashion houses and boutiques have received a magnanimous success universally due to exclusive packaging designs. People feel inclined towards a brand where you are handed over special wrapping boxes. The way packaging has affected the buying trends has modified the priorities of the designers in the fashion industry. 

All the worthy cosmetic brands are endorsed by the fashion models and actresses; therefore while designing the packaging the cosmetic companies take into account the aesthetics of the people associated with the fashion world. Because if they nail the fashion market prolifically; the doors get opened for the popularity and acceptance of these cosmetic brands. All the top cosmetic companies have made a phenomenal success because of their terrific packaging designs. The fashion industry has indeed been swayed by appealing apparel and cosmetic packaging. If we preview the past and present many facets have been added to the branding of clothing, cosmetics packaging is the primary one amongst them.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Amazing perfume packaging inspires to make a purchase decision

Wearing a classy perfume makes you the celebrity of the evening. The world of fragrances is very flowery, exotic and enchanting. All the top cosmetic brands are manufacturing enthralling perfumes to gratify the aesthetics of a multitude of customers. A well-packaged perfume bottle adds to the glamour of the fragrances and allures the buyers prefer a certain brand. Cosmetic packaging has always been a stimulating tool for the advertisers and manufacturers to amplify their sales and customer loyalty. There are a variety of fragrances available in the cosmetics market; special attention is paid to the design of the perfume bottles and wrapping boxes because a startling fragrance packaging speaks for itself.

Timeless Ralph Lauren Romance is included in the list of the best-selling fragrances ever. The reason why this perfume gained a positive reception by women is not only the flowery odor but the packaging design. The pink rosy packaging is the emblem of the product inside and entices you spray it all over. A survey has proved that buying decisions are greatly affected by the wrapping designs; when it comes to perfumes people usually go for the ones which have marvelous packaging.

Jennifer Lopez’s fragrances are very laudable because of their fruity and flowery scents along with the stupendous packaging covers. Her perfume “Love and Glamour” were the most adored fragrance of 2010. The regal packaging design of this perfume was adored by the consumers across the world. The golden and pink color combo on the wrapping box makes this fragrance the ideal choice of every stunning woman. 

Christian Dior’s “Hypnotic Poison” is an almond and caraway fragrance that is preferred by a lot of customers due to the sensational packaging design. The perfume bottle and the staggering packaging both complement each other. 

J’adore by Dior is a magnificent fragrance that has been favored because of its elegant packaging. The perfume is for the women who are style divas and know how to enchant the crowd. The wrapping design has been paid special attention so that the product totally complies with the package.

“Live” by Jennifer Lopez is another perfume that received a wider acclaim because of the eye catching packaging. The artistic touch on the wrapping box tempts the scent lovers into buying this incredible product. 

“Escada Moon Sparkle” is commendable for its creative packaging design. The hazy colored bottle totally defines the packaging box that has a sketch with vibrant textures. The packaging portrays the flamboyant colors which makes it more exhilarating.

The top perfume brands in the world spend a hefty amount on their packaging designs because while you are launching a new scent; wrapping box is one of the key elements that will directly affect your branding. Many consumers might not be looking for a particular perfume brand and an incredible packaging design might alter their buying decision. You can achieve magnanimous sales turn out through splendid cosmetic packaging.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Cosmetic Packaging- Why French Cosmetics have amazing packaging?

Cosmetics have tuned in to the basic essentials which every human yearns for these days. Not only the makeup accessories but the hair and skin care products are gaining popularity among all age groups without any gender discrimination. When it comes to picking up the right brand of cosmetics; packaging plays a crucial role in decision making. There are numerous laudable cosmetic brands available in the markets which gratify the beautification and cleansing needs of a multitude of customers. When the same products are offered by every cosmetic company; the customer loyalty and retention can be gauged through innovative packaging because whatever strikes the eyes is chosen by the cosmetic shoppers. French cosmetic brands have an exalted prominence in the niche because of their top notch and mind blowing cosmetic packaging designs

Loreal Paris: The tagline of Loreal is “Because you are worth it”. This is manifested in their fabulous packaging designs. Offering a wide array of hair, skin care and makeup products; Loreal is commendable for their spectacular and sturdy cosmetic packaging. The mascaras, lip glosses and the skin care range from Loreal get a positive reception from thousands of style junkies across the globe. The repeated experimentation with the packaging designs and replacing them at regular intervals has made Loreal a worthwhile and trend setter French cosmetic brand.

Dior is one of the most acclaimed cosmetic brands. Offering an exclusive range of makeup, fragrances and skin care range; Dior has set a certain standard in the cosmetic market which is very hard to compete. Dior cosmetics are the first choice of renowned models and Hollywood actresses. Their fragrances are unsurpassed in packaging designs. The whole cosmetic range expresses an exclusiveness which allures the people with refined taste to buy their products. The stupendous makeup, skin care and fragrances’ packaging is the trademark of Dior. The products are in escalating demand all over the world and the popularity is bumping up with each passing day. 

Bourjois Paris is a French Cosmetic brand that is receiving a positive response from a variety of audience. As this cosmetic company is offering unique makeup products in a marvelous packaging along with the affordable market rates; girls of all age groups prefer their eye shadow powders. The simple yet attention grabbing cosmetic packaging designs are earning Bourjois customer loyalty. Women who long for originality and simplicity are opting for this cosmetic brand. Bourjois cosmetics’ tagline “Special manufacturer of products for feminine beauty” totally defines their merchandise. 

Lancome Paris is an award-winning cosmetics and skin care brand. Their products are used in salons for their premium quality. The packaging designs for their anti ageing creams and cosmetics are remarkable for their magnificence. Lancome cosmetics have the tagline” Release the beauty inside you”; it is vividly explicit in their cosmetic packaging.
Branding and advertising are incomplete without effectual packaging. Cosmetics were once considered an expensive luxury item but now they are the primary necessity of various segments of population. An extraordinarily designed cosmetic packaging box can play a phenomenal role in boosting up your sales.